Good afternoon from sunny Japan! I've been here for two weeks now, and finally have my own internet connection through a nice little portable wireless device! Most of the internet here is wired and it would have taken a long time to hook my up, so this seemed to be the most expedient alternative!
I'm fully aware I have two weeks worth of events to catch up with on the blog, plus I wanted to do a few write-ups with handy information for prospective (UK) JETs. Most of these I've already started, but some fine-tuning on this is needed; so I'll try to do the blog stuff first before moving onto JET-related entries. I have tomorrow off, and have a lovely long lie-in to look forward to, so hopefully I'll be able to get some updates done then!
Today, I will be going to a shodo (Japanese calligraphy) demonstration at Matsuyama Castle Park with a number of other JETs. Matsuyama's "most eminent calligraphy expert" will also be in attendance, or so I've heard! Hopefully I'll return with some gorgeous works of art/hideous abominations of Japan's great tradition to show you!